dean nelson obituary Marshall Virginia and dean nelson Marshall VA

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Discover Dean Nelson’s legacy through his Florida and Marshall, VA obituaries. Reflect on the life of Dean Nelson, exploring details from his obituary in both locations, notably Marshall, Virginia.

The Homegoing of a Faithful Servant, Dean Nelson

The Christian community mourns the loss of one of its most dedicated servants with the homegoing of Dean Nelson earlier today. At the young age of only 52 years old, Nelson has left behind a legacy of selfless service and commitment to the causes he held dear – faith, family, and furthering the kingdom of God here on earth.

Many know Nelson for his tireless work in the pro-life movement through groups like Human Coalition and Human Coalition Action, where he spearheaded efforts to change hearts and minds on abortion. His passion for the unborn was unmatched. In prior roles with Care Net, Washington Warriors, and Network of Politically Active Christians (NPAC), Nelson brought people together from various spheres of influence to advocate for the preborn.

As a leader, Nelson modeled integrity, vision, and virtue. He invested not only in causes but in people, mentoring many over the years through groups like TeenPact and the Frederick Douglass Foundation. His ability to inspire others to step into their calling was a gift. As Executive Director of the Douglass Leadership Institute, Nelson prepared the next generation for righteous leadership in the public square.

While Nelson wore many hats professionally, his family and faith animated all he did. A loving husband and father of 9 children, Nelson always put his family first. He modeled what it meant to be a godly husband and father. And his deep personal walk with the Lord was the foundation for his prolific Kingdom work.

Chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, Nelson honored the legacy of heroes of the faith that went before him, frequently invoking Douglas with his booming voice and spirited addresses. Like his hero Frederick Douglass, Nelson overcame humble beginnings to do great work.

The void left by Nelson’s passing cannot be overstated. It is never easy losing giants in the faith. And Dean Nelson’s imposing 6’3 frame matched an even more imposing legacy. He was bigger than life because of the God he served so faithfully.

While we grieve his loss, we also celebrate Nelson’s extraordinary life here on earth, knowing he is now safe in the arms of his Savior and Master welcoming him with “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And the legacy Nelson leaves behind gives us much work still to do to further the causes he held so dear.

As one friend shared on social media, “Our loss is Heaven’s gain.” And when our own appointed day comes, we too with Dean Nelson will see Jesus face to face. Until then, we press on in faith to walk the path paved by heroes like him who have gone before.

Dean Nelson made Jesus famous with how he loved and led. May we all live more boldly and serve more faithfully to continue his legacy for such a time as this.
