US actress Aja Naomi King speaks on falling pregnant after 2 miscarriages

May 2024 · 2 minute read

- US actress Aja Naomi King recently shared a photo of her prominent baby bump online

- The actress revealed that carrying her baby came with fear after she experienced some losses

- Naomi said she is, however, comforted by the fact that her baby girl is growing and kicking inside her

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Hollywood actress Aja Naomi King has left her fans and followers emotional after she gave a detailed post about her journey to carrying her pregnancy after two miscarriages.

The How To Get Away With Murder actress shared a photo with her big baby bump on her page.

Noting that she is grateful and full of joy for the gift of her baby, the actress stated that the journey has also been filled with some heartbreaks.

She said:

"I suffered two miscarriages and even now trying to capture what it felt like in words is simply absurd to me because I will never have language enough for it."

The actress stated that she didn't want to share her miscarriage story at first because she felt like so many other people had way worse experiences than she did.

She, however, realised that talking about her pain isn't about a competition that says only people with the worst stories win the right to talk about it.

Naomi also confessed that she carried her pregnancy with fear that her baby would be lost again, however, she tries not to ignore the facts that she and her baby are healthy. And also that her baby is growing and kicking.

In other news, We earlier reported that a man shared a photo of his baby after several miscarriages.

The man, identified as Akinwunmi Akingbade, said the baby was their second child. He revealed that his wife had had four miscarriages within the first two years of their marriage.

Excited that they now have two kids, the man expressed gratitude for his beautiful babies.

Meanwhile in other entertainment news, Beyoncè and her daughter walked away with smiles on their faces from the 2021 Grammy Awards.

Both of them bagged an award thanks to their talent and showed just how much talent runs in their blood - Blue Ivy was celebrated for her role in Beyoncè's Brown Skin Girl.

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