SA shows concern for Babes Wodumo after photo shows her looking unwell

May 2024 · 2 minute read

- Babes Wodumo got tongues wagging, this time by no fault of her own

- A photo surfaced showing the singer looking rather unwell and very thin, raising concern

- Many people started commenting on the pic, saying that they were worried about Babes

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Local muso Bongekile Simelane, better known as Babes Wodumo, has her fans and fellow South Africans worried.

A photo made the rounds on social media that shows Babes and her boyfriend, Mampintsha, and she does not look well.

Babes looks extra thin and her nails are in a state while she looks to be very intoxicated. It is assumed the photo comes from Havana, where the duo is believed to have performed.

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We learnt that it is possible the photo was edited to cause a sensation as Mampintsha looks bigger than he is nowadays.

It was reported earlier that Mampintsha lost a lot of weight and Mzansi was concerned for him then too.

Check out what peeps had to say about Babes and her appearance in the photo. One tweep even compared the singer to Amy Winehouse, claiming that the country is watching her die.

Others are wondering: Are they going to truly end up like Bonnie and Clyde?

This comes not long after Babes and Mampinthsa were booted off the stage at the recent Goduka Music Festival.

The Daily Sun reported that the crowd were so unhappy to see the two musos on the stage that they threw bottles while booing them.

Mjosty, comedian and event organiser, had this to say about the incident:

"Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha did arrive at the event but couldn’t perform. This as maskandi fans were no longer interested in seeing them, so I advised them to stay backstage for their safety. Anyhow, I’ll pay their fee."

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