Snake Shocked by Electric Fence in TikTok Video, Mzansi Amused As Confused Viper Gets 13.7M Views

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A snake went TikTok viral. Many people were interested to see how the serpent would deal with an unfamiliar obstacle.

The video of the snake received lots of attention. People couldn't help but make jokes in the comments section of the video showing the snake's struggle.

Snake trying to get past an electric fence gets 1.3 million likes

One video by @laidbackredneck2 shows how a snake responded after realizing that there was an electric fence in its way. In the video, it tried four times before the recording stopped. Watch the clip below:

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TikTok viewers make fun of snake vs electric fence showdown

People love to see videos of animals in the wild. Watching the snake was funny and many commented with jokes.

Sugey said:

"The fact that it looks confused has me dying."

Dexter wrote:

"He’s testing the perimeter fences for weaknesses."

pauljohnson2014 commented:

"Danger noodle wants to know why fence is spicy?"

5xGramps joked:

"Snake and my grandson apparently have the same IQ/"

mk2_suprana added:

"I love how he opens his mouth like he's yelling."

Lex was amused:

"Snake looks at the fence like 'how dare you have that much audacity.'"

Black mamba chases terrified security from hut, kind snake catcher rescues guard

BrieflyNews previously reported that a black mamba is not the uninvited guest you want, making itself comfortable in your place of work. KZN snake catcher Jason Arnold rescued a terrified security guard when a mamba got into his hut.

Black mambas are undoubtedly the most feared snake in Mzansi due to their deadly venom. It takes a true professional to rescue one and show it kindness that not many would.

Taking to his YouTube channel with an awesome video of the rescue mission, Jason shows how he found the snake nestled behind a carpet.
