Anna Sorokins Net Worth: How Much Did She Make from Her Netflix Series?

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Anna Sorokin’s life has changed since she implemented the identity of Anna Delvey. What is Anna Sorokin’s net worth? 

Her captivating story has also been adapted for TV. But who really is she? We take a look at this article.

Who Invented Anna Sorokin?

Some say genius while others may say fraudster, Anna Sorokin surely displayed both titles in her tenure of being an imposter.

She lived in the United States and pretended to be a German heiress for around 4 years before being detected and arrested. 

Her story has also been adapted for television and she has given interviews regarding her side of the story. She has been convicted of multiple attempted grand larceny, theft of services and larceny in the second degree. 

Her defrauding of various institutions such as banks and hotels along with acquaintances amounts to a figure of $275,000. 

Inventing Anna – A Netflix Series

The case of Anna Sorokin has been brought back to the spotlight when Netflix green-lit her story to be aired in a nine-part series. The show is created by Shonda Rhimes and brings back the story of Anna Sorokin’s tenure of posing as Anna Delvey.

The show will follow a real timeline of events that happened in the trial and in life, along with mixing some elements of drama for television purposes. Anna Sorokin was arrested in the year 2017 after she was proved to be milking banks and various hotels, for which she failed to pay. 

The Show’s Exploration

The show Inventing Anna delves into Anna Sorokin’s tenure as an imposter but with the perspective of the journalist who brought to light the exposition on Sorokin which gained popularity in the year 2018.

Every episode is introduced with and clarifies the show’s stance: “This whole story is completely true. Except for the parts that are completely made up.” 

The show will shed light on her total count for which she was convicted (eight). She then was sentenced to a maximum of 12 years in jail (minimum 4). She has moved through various correctional facilities and then her imminent release in February of 2021. 

She has been in detention and fighting for her deportation which is still pending a decision. She was paid by Netflix for being a consultant to the show.

Early Life of Anna Sorokina

Born on 23rd January 1991, Anna Vadimovna Sorokina was born in a town near Moscow. She was born to parents who were working-class; her father a truck driver and her mother a housewife being preceded by ownership of a convenience store. 

Anna Sorokina has been described as a student who was excellent in her subjects. Being also strong in her character, she was striving to achieve big from the start. She along with her family moved to Germany in the year 2007. Anna was sixteen at the time.

Her Life in Germany

When settled in Germany, she faced numerous hurdles such as the language., She attended school in Eschweiler and became quiet over her stay there.

She graduated in 2011 and went back to London, but soon returned. She worked an internship and spent some time before she moved to Paris to work for the fashion magazine, Purple. It was around this time she started referring to herself as Anna Delvey.

Expenditures of Anna Delvey

Anna Delvey was a German heiress who had a $60 million trust fund with her. With this persona and backstory, she continued to con and scam various personnel and institutions. She gained in figures more than six from her rich friends on the promise that she will return it to them.

Her stays in various hotels also were unpaid. Her stays were in 11 Howard Hotel, La Mamounia, Beekman hotel and she tried to and swindled many banks on false documentation and various forgeries. 

How Much Is Anna Sorokin’s Net Worth?

Her way of carrying out her scams and her trial received attention worldwide. Her trial went on for two years and she was released from jail in February 2021. 

As to her worth, technically Anna Sorokin doesn’t have a net worth due to her current status and impending decisions. 

However, her proceeds from the Netflix drama series are unknown and as to what kind of contract she has entered with Netflix is also in the dark. So we don’t know for sure what kind of worth she can amass from the show if it gains viewership.

Amount Received by Netflix

But speaking of numbers, Netflix paid an eye-opening $320,000 for her to grant permission for her story. This amount although is big but didn’t help cover her various elite expenses and expenditures.

Her charges included $199,000 which she had to pay to banks along with various fines by the state and attorney. These charges were $24,000 and $75,000, respectively.

This made Anna Sorokin’s account being left with $22,000. The court ordered her to keep this amount with her for future use. It should also be noted that she has failed to return the amount she borrowed from her ‘rich friends’ and it is still unknown what comes out of this predicament. 

Present Status of Anna Sorokin

Anna Vadimovna Sorokina has moved through various correctional facilities (five to be exact) until she was released from jail, in February 2021. 

But it wasn’t much longer and a month and a half later, she was arrested again by immigration authorities. Her visa expired and she was found overstaying her visa.

She then spent the year in ICE detention and is engaged with authorities to fight for her deportation to Germany. 

Current Jail Time

Ms. Sorokin is currently living in her jail where she reads books most of the time, both fiction and non-fiction. Regarding her titles, she has read Super Pumped by Mike Isaac and We Need to Talk About Kevin for fiction. She has also read The Corrections, Purity and others. 

Anna Vadimovna Sorokina had some friends in jail with her but most of them have left. She has also been working on various projects. 

Sorokin has said in an interview with The Times that she is working on a documentary project with Bunim Murray Productions. She is also working on writing her memoirs on her time in jail while also thinking about content for a podcast. 
